【重要】「かばた見学」お休みの日を追加します / We added the close day of Kabata guide tour


Our “Kabata guided tour” service will be closed April 23 (Tue.)、24(Wed.) and May 1(Wed.) due to large group’s use. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and ask for your understanding.

4월 23일(화), 24일(수), 5월 1일(수)은 단체 이용으로 인해 가이드 및 접수 업무가 휴무입니다.
견학을 계획하고 계신 분들께 불편을 드려 죄송하지만 양해 부탁드립니다.

由于团体参观,4 月 23 日(周二)、24 日(周三)和 5 月 1 日(周三)的导览和接待服务将关闭。

【重要】5月2日(木)・3日(金)は、「かばた見学」をお休みします / “Kabata guided Tour” service will be closed on Thursday, May 2 and Friday, May 3.


Due to a local ceremony being held at our community’s shrine, both guided tours and reception will be closed on Thursday, May 2 and Friday, May 3.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and ask for your understand.

由于当地将在我们社区的圣地举行仪式,5 月 2 日(星期四)和 5 月 3 日(星期五)的导游和接待将关闭。

5월 2일(목)과 5월 3일(금)에는 지역 신사에서 열리는 행사로 인해 가이드 투어와 리셉션이 모두 휴무입니다.
불편을 끼쳐 드려 죄송하며 양해 부탁드립니다.

子どもたちからたくさんのメッセージをいただきました / Messages from Children and Students







We received many messages from children of schools and organizations that visited Harie.
There is also a model of a kabata made of cardboard and clay.
They expressed their surprise and admiration with fresh words and fun drawings.

One of their teacher came all the way to our office in Takashima City to deliver messages from the children. Thank you very much.

We are very happy to hear such messages from the children.
Please come visit us again anytime.



● JR西日本




● 車・バイクでお越しの際は、こちらで道路の規制情報等が確認できます
・ X/(旧) Twitter 「滋賀県警察交通管制センター」
https://twitter.com/shigakansei (アカウント名 @shigakansei )


To all foreign visitors / 对所有外国游客 / 모든 외국 방문객들에게

You can visit Harie from JR Kosei Line’s Shin-Asahi Station (B-15). It takes about 20 minutes to walk northeast from the station.
Please set Maibara Community Center(針江公民館) as your destination on your smartphone map.

The Kosei Line(湖西線), which runs on the west side of Lake Biwa, offers a magnificent lakeside view, but services are often closed by strong winds. You can check the operation schedule and status on the following website:

您可以从 JR 高成线新旭日站(B-15)前往 Harie。从车站向东北方向步行约需 20 分钟。
请在智能手机地图上将 Harie Community Center(针江公民馆)设为目的地。

琵琶湖西侧的湖西线(Kosei Line)可以欣赏到壮丽的湖畔美景,但由于强风的影响,该线路经常关闭。您可以在以下网站上查看运行时间表和状态:

JR 고세이선 신아사히역(B-15)에서 하리에를 방문하실 수 있습니다. 역에서 북동쪽으로 걸어서 20분 정도 걸립니다.
스마트폰 지도에서 마이바라 커뮤니티 센터(針江公民館)를 목적지로 설정해 주세요.

비와코 서쪽을 달리는 고세이선(湖西線)은 호반의 절경을 감상할 수 있지만, 강풍으로 인해 운행이 중단되는 경우가 많습니다. 운행 일정과 상황은 다음 웹사이트에서 확인할 수 있습니다:


かばた見学についてのお願い / Request for Kabata Guided Tour  



● 2024年4月以降のお申込みについてもお受けはしていますが、4月以降の針江区の行事等の関係で、今後お受けできない日が発生しますのであらかじめご了承ください。


4/20(土) 研修のため 受付可能になりました
5/2(木)および3(金) 地域祭礼のため
6/15(土) イベント開催のため
7/20(土) 全面予約済み


Thank you very much for using the “Kabata Guided Tour” application form.
We are very grateful for the many applications we have received, but we would like to make a request to all of you.

● As a rule, we ask that applications for the “Kabata Guided Tour” be made at least one week in advance of the desired date, as it is necessary to coordinate the schedule of the tour guide who will accompany you on the day of the tour.

● Please note that we will accept applications for tours after April 2024, but due to events in Harie-ku after this April, there will be days when we will not be able to accept applications for tours.

The following are the dates that we are currently unable to accept visitors.

April 20 (Satuaday)
May 2 (Thursday)
May 3 (Friday)
June 20 (Saturday)
July 20 (Saturday)

In addition, the following days will also be closed: Every Monday, Harie-okawa river cleanup days scheduled four times before the end of March 2025, and days when large groups of people, such as schools, are scheduled to visit Harie for their learning program.

「かばた見学」お申し込みフォームを開設しました / We have opened an application form for Kabata guided tour.



◆ Happy New Year 2024! ◆

We wish all people in this world connected by water to live happily.
We have opened an application form for our Kabata guided tour. Please try it who decided to visit Harie.



◆ An Important Notice about our Kabata guided tour. ◆

Due to the record low water level of Lake Biwa, the amount of water gushing out of each kabata in the Harie area is extremely low.
Therefore, you may not be able to see the water gushing out of the kabata even if you come to visit.
Please understand our status. Thanks.



Dear Guests;

Our kabata tour and receptionist service will be closed until Dec.25(Monday) to Jan.8(Monday).
And We will not be able to accept phone calls during the our service outage period. Thanks.
