The Association operates as a community volunteer effort.
● 見学申し込みについて ~ about Guided Tour ~
◆ ガイドの手配をしますので、見学ご希望の日から1週間前までにお申し込みください ◆
Please apply at least one week prior to the date you wish to visit so that we can arrange a guide.
電話番号 : 090-3168-8400
e-mail: shozunosato@lapis.plala.or.jp
Please note that you may not be able to connect due to staff availability, in which case please email us or call back at a different time.
・ご希望見学日時・お名前・人数・住所・連絡先(携帯電話、メールアドレス等) をお知らせください。交通・天候の情報など、こちらからご連絡を差し上げる場合がございます。
Please let us know the date and time you would like to visit, your name, number of people, address, and contact information (Contactable e-mail address). Please note that we may contact you for information on traffic, weather and so on.
Please note that tours may not be available due to availability of guides, implementation of events, or local ceremonies,festivals and events. Please understand.
・If you wish to participate in the tour, please send us an e-mail with your desired tour date and time, name, number of people, address, and phone number (including cell phone).
・Please make your reservation as early as possible so that we can arrange for an accompanying guide staff member. If we are unable to arrange a tour guide, we may cancel the guided tour.
Please understand that we may cancel the guided tour.
◆ お申込みフォームを開設しましたのでご利用ください ◆
( English page also available. )

( English version )
● ご案内時間の目安 ~ Approximate guide time ~
午前10時から 1時間程度 About 1.0 hour start at 10:00 AM
午後 2時から 1時間程度 About 1.0 hour start at 2:00 PM
Please arrive in front of our reception 10 minutes prior to the start of the information session.
● 見学料のお願い ~ Request for tour fee ~
お一人様毎に 大人¥1,000 高校生~小学生(School student fee) ¥500
(幼児は無料 / Free for infants)
● 駐車場について
◎ 駐車場に限りが有りますので、お車でお越しの方は予約時にご確認ください。
◎ バスの駐車場はございませんので、乗車・降車時以外は公共駐車場等で待機をお願い致します。ご承知おきください
● 個人の敷地内への立ち入りについて
◆ Important notes ◆
Access to the premises of private homes with kabatas;
Kabata are the place of daily life of each household. Please note that as they are located on private property, access to some kabata is only permitted when accompanied by a guide from the ‘Harie Shouzu no Sato Iinkai(Committee)/針江生水の郷委員会’.